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Crossroads Theatre Company Celebrates 42 Years
Ricardo Khan November 24, 2020

42 years ago, Crossroads started out on the second floor of an old, withering but stubbornly determined building on the outskirts of town, a three-story loft structure in New Brunswick, NJ that was, long-before us, an early-century sewing factory, a “sweat shop”. Sometimes too hot, sometimes too cold, and always too many steps up, it was our first home. It was where we began. Which is why, on November 13th, we acknowledged that milestone and remembered the journey of the many plays born and the many gifted and talented artists and arts workers who fought, walked, danced and leapt into the light from those wooden boards of three theatre stages along the way- 320 Memorial Parkway, then 7 Livingston Avenue, and now, 11 Livingston Avenue as a proud resident company of the stunning New Brunswick Performing Arts Center.
Remembering history is for Crossroads about recognizing the power of a dream and the celebration of achievement, sometimes against all odds. But never can it be celebrated without proper honor being given for those who came before, those on whose shoulders we stand. This we do as one of our most important acts of ritual and gratitude. And with our heads unbowed and our eyes still on the prize, yes, we keep moving forward as time’s steady march compels us. But it is a march we embrace knowing that we are not marching alone. For they are with us still.
So it’s Thanksgiving. And in so many wonderful ways, we get to express gratitude for the gifts of our past, the blessings of this moment and the promises to which we holdfast for tomorrow. And though we may not be able this year to gather and celebrate in exactly the same manner as in years past, I truly believe we will find our pathways to the essence of what this whole event really means in 2020, and we will come out of it better people. We will make it. For as my mother Jacqueline would say, “It’s going to be okay, darling. It won’t be the first time people have had to make a way out no way”.
So consider that, whoever you are. And however you will and safely can, light the candle, share some love. And before you sit down to eat this year, consider also supporting a food pantry or shelter, or neighbor in need, anything that will help those less fortunate have a meal too.
Much love to you in this moment of thanksgiving,
Ricardo Khan