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Ten Ways Theatre Makes Your Life Better
Marshall Jones, III October 19, 2016

The theatre has such a vibrant ability to bring words to life. It has sass, attitude, and a focus on shared humanity.
- Theatre is explosive. There's no energy like the energy you get when you mix live performers with a live audience.
- Theatre is ethereal. What happens on any given night only happens once.
- Theatre is mind expanding. It's a safe way to visit dangerous places.
- Theatre is connective. It reminds us that being human is beyond culture and time.
- Theatre is the original multi-media art form. It fuses movement, music, design, acting, writing, and directing into one artistic blast.
- Theatre is timeless. The pleasure we get from offering and receiving stories is wired into our DNA.
- Theatre is moveable. Great performance experiences can be staged in warehouses, basements, bars, parks, cars, beaches and elevators
- Theatre is reflective. Watching life on stage can influence how we see (and react to) life in the streets.
- Theatre is provocative. It can challenge the dominant political and cultural narratives of the day.
- Theater is sensual. Everyone in the room is breathing the same air. If the person beside you is laughing or crying, you see it; you hear it; you feel it.
I love how the theatre can enrich our lives. Get out and go to a theatrical play and make your life better.